
Thursday, December 6, 2012

My tribe, or if you'd rather, my pack.

My house isn't perfect and spotless, it's mostly furry, even within 5 minutes of cleaning the floors and surfaces. Some folks might cringe over that, but it's impossible to keep a spotless home, or rather less dust bunnies everywhere if you share your home and life with animal companions. And personally, I wouldn't have it any other way.

It's moments like this one that makes my life content, my home a loving and happy place, and makes it my sanctuary. And it happens to make it a sanctuary for the rescued adopted fur kids my home, despite what changes happen around us.

This was Abby last evening, on the sofa while I enjoyed a bit of mindless downtime watching TV. She was softly snoring, and smiling while she sleeps. It's moments of realization like this that keeps my heart full of happiness, bursting with love and compassion.

It's watching her greet everyone with a smile and pure joy to be meeting someone and getting loving! It's seeing my other boy, Brody come out of his shell and accept my new roommate after two days with wags and a tentative kiss on the hand, wanting a pet and kind words from her. It's seeing him ecstatically happy like this and playing with the kittens or his toys.

It is so rewarding, and I love them to pieces. I'm so proud of the progress he's made since I got him a little over a year ago. He was so frightened when he came home, scared of anyone new, any noise, didn't know how to bark or talk or wag his little bitty tail or play. He's learned now, though he's still wary of strangers and still scared of men, and it usually takes up to a month for him to warm up enough to say hello or sniff a new person, this time he accepted my new roomie in two days, and to watch him this morning as he greeted her when she got up with wags and a little talk as if to say "Good Morning! We're here to share a smile!", confirmed that these two rescued me too. Very much made my morning and a great start to the day.

See these two have time to make up, to love, play and be doggies, and to especially accept love and care. They both were rescued from an illegal breeder in the Midwest, which is another word for puppy mill. Abby spent 7 years of her life in a crate, doing nothing but giving birth, not knowing kindness or proper care or love. But she never let go of her sunny outlook, she's learned to walk and get around again, dance and get up a step, be cuddled and love it, snuggle with me on the sofa, and play. She really does love everyone she meets, and tells them so. Brody spent the first two years of his life in the same mill, and I have no idea what was done to him, but the fear is taking time to overcome, and it's a testament of what love, tenderness and care can do to help change this. He's such a happy boy now, and loves to play with the kittens, (they're his best buddies), race me up the stairs to snuggle with me at bedtime, or push his way in to being the center of my lap or attention on the sofa.

Think about it though, these two like so many other dogs, didn't know what a bed was, much less a dog bed, what living inside is, what it is to be petted with loving words and a soft hand, to be encouraged to talk back with you, to play or run in a yard with grass and leaves. They know what it's like now, and they love it. Brody loves the brisk mornings and loves to run for the sheer joy of running around the yard, then comes up for loving words and a pet to run around again. Brings a smile to my face every time. And to see Abby dance and talk to me when I come home from work, or be so happy at supper time or knowing I'm giving them a treat. To see her get to momma the kittens and love on them and play, or just sleep with a smile all the time keeps me content and very loved and happy.

Please, always adopt, you won't be sorry, they'll give so much back to you if you'll let them, they'll truly change your life. Doesn't matter the age, if they want to share their heart, soul, and life with you, let them in. Kitty, doggy, rabbit or horse or other unwanted animal, they'll tell you when they have picked you. Let's put the evil puppy mills out of business!


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