
Friday, February 25, 2011

The bond between cats and humans?

Seems that the news lately must be pushing for newsworthy articles. I was reading an article on a study report about Cats preference in bonding with women over men.

However, as any of us feline owners and lovers know, cats will choose who they wish to bond with, and they aren't discriminatory. Men can have just as deep a bond with a cat as women can. I do know for me though that most of my soul bonds with animals has been mostly with cats, and one dog.

Maybe it's our personality traits or thinking patterns that tend to bond us closer to our cats. All I know is if that bond is ever broken, it is excruciatingly painful for quite awhile.

The study noted that the bond between a feline and their human is much more intense than they ever thought it would be. Hmmmmm, seems to me we could have told them that. The study felt that part of this bond is due to food often being used as tokens of affection, and the ways that cats and humans relate to food are similar in nature to the interactions seen between the human caregiver and their infant. Maybe so, maybe not, I'm a bit ambiguous about this idea. I did agree with the fact that cats and their human companions do influence each other. We really do.

I have long felt overall that cats really are our best friends. Many was the time that if I was very sick, it was my cats who stayed with me through it all, got up when I ran for the bathroom and accompanied me. The dog never did. I don't disagree that dogs aren't loyal, there truly are some exceptional dogs out there, just for me, the cats have been the ones there always. I think cats are the healers of the soul and they heal you with their vibrations and energy at a much deeper level than you might think. There is something about the purr of kitties that brings healing, contentment and a profound peace inside. In that respect, dogs are not quite there. They tend to love you and lend you their energy with quiet stoicism.

Actually I didn't intend this particular entry to show between dogs and cats that one is better than the other, I merely wished to point out the points of our bonds with cats, and that they are very intense when established.

I do know that when my bond with all my soul mates of past has ever had to be broken through death, it really has been a profound grief and absolutely heartbreaking. It has been almost a month since the bond breaking with Djinn now, and I still grieve deeply. The thing I've noticed with Jasmine is that she automatically seems to sense or know when I am grieving and is very quick to put herself in my arms and snuggle over my heart and purr. I know it's her way of trying to help me heal, and to give me healing. She chirrups, purrs and rubs on me as much as she can to bring a smile instead of tears. Yes her bond to me has happened fast and furiously. And it's already very intense. It's been quite an experience.

I could never be without a cat in my life, they have taught me so very much and given me more than I could ever hope to share or repay. And the same for a dog, I'll have another one day, who is special and will bond with me.

Anyhow, I'd love to hear your attachments with your cats, how do they affect your life? What are the bonds like?


Richard Hyatt said...

Amen. RIP Djinn.

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