
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pet Mutilation or Not?

And the debate rages on about whether or not it is cruel and wrong to declaw your cat, debark your dog, crop ears or dock tails.

According to a poll from MSNBC today, nearly 60 percent of American pet owners, this includes 55 percent of cat owners, claim it is OK to have a cat declawed, but only 8 percent of those approve of having a dog's vocal cords removed. Experts say though that both procedures are painful and alter how the animal walks or communicates.

Any way you care to look at it, declawing, ear cropping, and tail docking is amputation. Creation did not mean for them to be minus these parts.

In the case of declawing, imagine having every single one of your fingers removed from the last joint to the tip, that is what  you are doing when you declaw your kitty. It is painful, and every kitty I have known whose owner barbarically decided to remove his toes has been very touchy about their feet, and it changes how they use their feet completely. And should your kitty get outside, you may have signed his death warrant, for kitty is now defenseless against other animals.

Docking tails, sad really, as that has usually been a vanity or appearance issue. Dog use their tails to communicate with you and other animals.  It is painful, and usually done when they are just under a year of age. There is no real good reason I can see anymore to dock the tails. I understood sometime in the past for some forms of working dogs it was primarily a safety issue, but that isn't always so anymore, we don't run the same equipment or procedures we once did. Same goes for ear cropping. Personally I prefer floppy ears that you can stroke and massage, and most dogs love having their ears paid attention to. And when you remove most of that body part, you also remove most of the acupuncture or critical pressure points that can enable health and well being for your dog. Stroking the full ear keeps those points stimulated and in turn keep the systems stimulated and functioning properly.

Debarking or removing the vocal cords on your dog, that is in my estimation a sad issue. Dogs communicate to us with their voices, and body. Without the ability to bark, dogs can no longer communicate with humans or other animals. If your pooch barks too much, there is probably an underlying issue, and one you have not perhaps tried to solve without surgery. Sometimes it's a behavior issue and addressing it with the proper attitude and training can change it. And some dogs are naturally very vocal, but they should be taught when it is or isn't proper to bark. You wouldn't dream of removing your child's vocal cords because he or she talks too much would you?

The way I see some things is this, and here are some observations and ideas:

In the case of kitty clawing too much or you get scratched too much. Quit playing with kitty with your hands! Always play with a toy with kitty. Don't tease kitty or make him feel threatened, by pretending your hand is the bogey monster, this encourages the defense mechanism and will ensure you get scratched. If kitty is inclined to scratch your furniture or rugs, buy simple sisal or sea grass rope wrapped scratching posts, put them throughout your living space, in the main areas of furniture or the rooms they are bent on getting at furniture or rugs. For some reason, I have not been able to discern yet, cats seem to prefer using the rope wrapped posts or a condo with a couple rope wrapped posts on them to conventional rug wrapped items. They also like cardboard or plain rough wood. I think perhaps it is something more natural feeling to them. Mine go to their rope wrapped posts over anything else every time. And upon installing them through the house they have ceased their destructions of the furniture. And to attract them to the posts or item you install for them to sharpen claws on, you can make a strong tea of catnip and using a ordinary household sprayer, spray the tea on their items to attract them. And remember that you will want at least one or two items they can climb and perch upon. Even if it's a climbing post to a windowsill they can sit on and sun themselves. You'll have a much happier cat.

If you are thinking about cropping or docking for your dog, think again. Are you working him? Is there truly a valid reason to do this? Most dogs are pets, and not shown, so why do it? You and your pup will be ever so much happier that you didn't do it. If it isn't a safety or health reason, don't do it.

Debarking..... Sorry, all the way around this is just wrong and cruel. Take behavior classes, socialize with your pooch, go to training sessions or see a professional trainer. Perhaps as a last resort try an antibarking device. But don't deprive your four-footed child of his voice. You most certainly wouldn't do it to your two-footed child.

Anyhow, my point is, it's simply wrong to amputate or alter body parts to suit a "look" or your convenience. Take the time to work with your pet, after all, you chose to be responsible to care for him or her for their lives, they aren't there as your status symbol or to keep up with the Jonses, they are your companion for their lives and you assume responsibility for their well being, health and care for their lives. You don't mutilate your family to suit your "ideals" of image or fashion, so don't do it to your furry family members please.


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