
Friday, July 19, 2013

Changes In Hearts and Deeper Bonds

It's the little things I think that you notice more with yourself and your other fur babies as you progress through the grieving process. It makes tighter bonds between us all. 

We all are missing him. you don't always realize what amazing things they bring to your life until they leave us. 

As a little family here still in the RV, we have grown closer and changes have slowly been happening in our desires to be closer. 

I think perhaps the most profound small change I have seen and been so blessed to experience is with Abby. See, Abby loves everyone, she loves attention, loves to be talked to, played with and interacting with everyone she meets with a smile. But she has never been comfortable being held or cuddled. She gets very anxious being cuddled or having her feet touched. But over the last week, this is changing. she is learning to snuggle up with me in bed now at night a few times. She is learning to snuggle as Brody would snuggle with me. Up against my chest, under my chin sharing my pillow. While this has been bittersweet for me, it has also been comforting I think to us both. It isn't for the whole night, but for short time periods, maybe an hour or more. It is happening more often now. 

This has brought us much closer and we communicate on a whole other level now. Much is said through our eyes, no words needed. The loss of a very bright spot in our lives is also helping Abby trust more now and find new comforts and experiences. Perhaps this is a step in her healing from the horrible life she had her first 7 years. 

It's a small change, but its growth and it is a very profound change for her. I am so proud of her, and her journey of healing inside. I just love her to pieces, and pray all the time that she and I will have many more years together. There is not anything I would not do for my companions. They give me so very much. 

Even the cats are closer to me and Abby, it is quite the furry pile in bed at nights. And I feel in my heart that the new puppy that will enter our lives in a few weeks will help us all smile more and laugh a lot. Abby kinda needs a new kid to worry over and mother and a companion for her during the days while I work. Overall, in my heart I know the little soul has chosen us to share life and lessons with. So I am looking forward to her arrival. Hoping though that I will either be in my new home or be in one very shortly. 

This has been quite the journey, not one I would ever willingly take again, but it has opened so many new things, healing, love, bonding and hope.

Saturday, July 13, 2013


This has been a tough time, and getting ones feelings down on paper as it were is not easy. Although writing is cathartic and helps you deal with the emotions and grief.

Yesterday I finally received Brody's ashes. This is not an easy thing to really deal with, but the thought in my mind and heart was that he would finally be home again with me.

Let me digress a little about things and him. As in my heart he was a very special dog in my life and an amzing little soul.

This little dog started life in a puppy mill. A mill is an absolutely horrific way to start a life. And in my thinking, no soul should have to live in a cage you can barely turn around in or live in cleanly. He had no chance to be a happy playful pup as he should have been, no chance to experience love or the wonder of life. That came after he was two and rescued by the amazing folks with National Mill Dog Rescue.

When I met him, he was terrified of just about everything. People, the wind, banging noises, you name it. Although i knew in my heart he was to be my heart mate before i even met him in person, just by seeing his picture online. I think I was probably the happiest person and so excited when they approved my application and I was able to drive to Colorado to meet him and bring him home. When I did finally meet him, that feeling that he was meant to be a part of my heart was firmly cemented. As I loved on him I promised him that day I would never hurt or harm him, always care for him and keep him by my side always. And I did.

I knew it would be a long road to healing his fears and his heart, help him trust and be a happy dog. Although he made great strides in the short time he was a part of me.

You see, as time moved forward, I came to realize that he rescued me and healed my heart as much as I helped him. He and Abby were my daily inspiration to love fully, be kind and happy despite all odds. As I watched him learn to play, scare himself silly the first time he barked, to being such a happy sunny and active boy, I too grew in many ways. As our bond grew more, there was nothing more contenting to know that he was most content within himself when being next to me no matter what I was doing. He even had to be there when I was painting the house or rooms, always getting paint in his fur, or watching me as I cooked or baked, laying next to me as I watched TV or crocheted, and he loved sleeping with me and cuddling close at night. Both dogs have brought so much peace and contentment to my life.

I think one of my favorite memories is watching him learn to go up and down the stairs then joyfully racing up them when playing chase with the kittens. The kittens absolutely loved this game and quite often initiated it. Starting with him chasing them, then they chased him, and they all had the best time. The three of them became very bonded and the best of friends. He was also the only dog that Jasmine accepted and loved in her own way. The night I brought him home, both she and Yummy went straight up to him and sniffed, then rubbed on him then washed his face. Much to his consternation and wonder at who and what they were. It was quite the thing to witness and experience.

From living in a cage the first two years of his life to learning to wag is stumpy little tail, learning to play, talk, experince the grass and ocean, and learning about love. This little man amazed me and cemented himself into my heart with his capacity to love in return.

It has been quite the journey learning with them and trying to experience life as they have new experiences and they joy in discovering them. I truly feel that it has made me a better person, and taught me to be more kind in my every day life.

There are so many memories of little things that live large in me that I know I won't get them all written down. But I do know this, sharing your heart and life with a soul, no matter the species, if you are open enough and willing, will change your life and make it all the more amazing.

I do have to say, that I cannot imagine my life ahead without the Corgi breed in it. The natural disposition and hugeness of their hearts is something I always want in my life. They will go out of their way to make you smile and be happy. Neither Abby nor Brody could stand to see me unhappy in any way, and it wasn't long before they would have me smiling and happy again, no matter what. I have simply been amazed with their resliency and capacity for love and life.

I know there will be another before long to help fill our void and loss. I think perhaps it has been hardest on me watching his companions grieve for him and miss him so very much. He was a vital part of our family. I feel that a Pup would help them heal and fill that void. So we are searching for that one who will need us and choose us to share their heart and soul with.

Please if you truly love animals, and want one in your life, be prepared to give them the best and know that you take that responsibility of their care for their life. They are not to be ignored, discarded because its inconvienent, or just a decoration of status. They are a life, a living and breathing soul with heart and feelings much like us. they do rely on us to ensure they are well cared for, fed and happy and most of all loved. It is so worth it in the end for all they give back to us and teach us. I have learned more about forgiveness, happiness, living in the moment and most of all love and compassion with them all than I could have ever experienced or learned on my own.

In short, he will always hold a very special place in my heart and soul, and I miss him terribly, but I know there is another soul out there waiting to share his or her life with me and perhaps needs me. It seems it has always been this way, and always will be. And despite the fact that quite often there is heartbreaks that will come, the beautiful things learned and shared are so very, very worth it. Knowing you were needed and loved by them makes it worth it.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Life, love and death

These are my kids, they chose me to share their lives and love with. And they do it well. There is not anything I would not do for them. Including fighting for their life and pushing for good vet care.

Such was the case over the past several weeks when Brody became ill. I took him to one vet who did not really listen to me when I brought up all his symptoms. Though he ran bloodwork and urine tests, all he could do was put us on antibiotics because he thought he had a slight rise in temp. That was on a Saturday. By Monday night I knew he was worse, not eating, and a bit dehydrated and having mild seizures. Off to the emergency vet! They ran bloodwork again with the same results, everything looks normal. Took an X-ray and due to a distended and full stomach and empty bowel it was decided that perhaps there was a blockage the X-ray did not show, so he had surgery. Found nothing but food. Sent us home the next day with more pills and to try to get some food into him. That Thursday, he ate on his own and an hour later had a small seizure. So we went back to vet number one on Friday, which happened to be a good day for my boy. He did Good Friday and most of Saturday, but still no solutions or answers from the vet, despite my pushing. He didnt like an informed pet owner. By the
next Tuesday it was decided to put him on phenobarbital.
Wednesday he did ok and finally ate on his own, but was losing coordination and Wednesday night had a grand mal an hour after his dose. Another round with the emergency vet, no answers, only the suggestion that I take him to the university animal hospital on the campus where I work. We did that following afternoon after trying to discuss with vet number one about it all. He basically just said keep giving him the pheno and take him to a specialist.
Thank god the vet at the university clinic listened to me. They admitted him and scheduled an MRI for the next morning. I loved and cried on my boy but felt some hope that some one was willing to listen and help me find answers.
The next day I got the most heartbreaking answers ever. The one I feared the most. It was a tumor and there was no good prognosis. And it was going to be risky to bring him out from the anesthesia as the likelihood of a cluster or never ending grand mal seizure was too great. I had to let him go without being there or helping him transition.
Absolutely the hardest decision of my life. And the most hurtful. You see I absolutely love these little dogs with all my heart. I wouldn't quit fighting for them. They both had such a crappy start to life, they deserved the best. And they both bring me so much joy and happiness, and the ability to deal with anything I can. They've been my inspiration of forgiveness, absolute love, wonder of the world and new experiences, and compassion. I am grateful I still have Abby to help us both grieve and heal.

I cannot forget my happy cuddly boy. He was special. And cancer is a horrific disease that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I know I did the right thing and gave him the absolute gift of compassion, but it doesn't make the loss any easier. Even the cats who loved him dearly have grieved.

Don't ever stop fighting for your kids, be they two or four legged. They depend on us to care for and love them. I am glad I fought for him, he was worth every moment and penny. And so is Abby and all the kitties.

Animals love us unconditionally and teach us so much. You wouldn't just take pills for an answer for your children when you know there is something much more wrong, so don't do it for your fur kids either.

Love them as much as you can every day, cherish the moments you have with them