
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Reflections on the last year.....

Wow, it is hard to believe that it was one year ago today that I and my furry family set out for a new life and many changes. It has been quite the adventure, full of much happiness and sadness along the way.

We loaded up in my RV and left Santa Fe, New Mexico with no regrets, headed for a new life and looking forward to all the new things to experience and explore. The 7 members of myself and furbabies traveled in our small home for the next few months. I had decided on living in an RV until a house could be found and bought, figuring it would be less stressful on the fur kids and myself, and while it was a tiny living space for 5 months, it worked and we really were pretty happy in it.

We arrived almost 3 days later at our destination in Albany, Oregon at the KOA, this was to be our "home" for a bit. There was grass and trees, and so much green. Many birds and wildlife at the campground also. The dogs, Brody and Abby hadn't ever experienced grass or the ocean and sand before moving here. They loved it. Abby loved all the things happening at the campground and meeting new people. The dogs and kitties loved to watch from the RV all the birds and things going on.

My fur kids were my rocks and sanity keepers during those first couple of months. I dealt with many ups and downs and stressful situations along with learning a new job. I honestly don't think I would have held it all together if it hadn't been for them.

Then in June, as  you all know, I met with such a heartbreaking loss. I lost my rescuer, my heart-mate, Brody to cancer. We all loved him so much, and he was so much a part of us all. The grief was hard on us all. So, I decided to find another corgi to help us heal, Punkin needed a playmate, Abby missed her buddy, and I had a hole that needed some healing.

Well, I spent a good deal of time searching all over for another one to welcome into the family. And sadly, as much as I dearly wanted to adopt one who needed us as much as we needed him or her, there just wasn't one to be found at that time. So, I actually found a small breeder who raises corgis and bought a little girl who was born on July 5th. It wasn't an easy decision to buy one, knowing that I preferred to adopt.

Jeszabella came into our lives 7 weeks later. At that time we weren't due to move into the house until September. It was quite the adventure living with and learning with a very active puppy in a 27 foot RV. But she did bring much needed laughter and joy back into all our lives.

It didn't take long for Punkin to make her his new playmate and buddy. She has even brought out more of Abby's inner puppy and Abby plays a lot more than she used to. I have to wonder about what she thinks about these new things and all the changes since her first 7 yrs in a puppy mill.

In fact there is nothing more entertaining I've decided, than watching them all play tag wildly around the house. Jeszabella is just such a joyful little soul, quick to learn and loves everyone and everything she meets. Watching her experience snow and play with abandon brings about an inner happiness and reminders to live in the moment and live with joy. As the spring flowers come out and bloom, she loves to go smell the different flowers, check out all the insects and her latest thing is to eat the seed fluff off the dandelions. She loves to race around the yard, roll in the grass and encourages Abby to join her every chance she gets.

Yes, we are all a happy family again, and as this first year mark of the start of the journey, I remember my boy, our bond, and how excited I was for him to experience the lusher side of life out here. I am happy he got to do some of that, sad he didn't get to stay with me long enough to love his new home and have the grass to play in every day. I've struggled with missing him every day. But then I look at all the other souls who share their life and hearts with me, and I am truly lucky to share this adventure with them. I love them all dearly. And nothing brings more contentment and joy for me than watching them, interacting with them and loving them.

Like right now, as I write this on my laptop on the sofa, I have both dogs and my old man, Yummy, all snoring gently, together, and next to me. What a wonderful blessing and life. I am grateful I took the leap to make the change, to keep fighting forward to achieve where I am today, and for their lessons to live in the moment, love and be joyful.


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