
Thursday, August 8, 2013

My Promise To Them

The other morning was a rough one. It was one of those mornings when I woke up I was missing Brody very much and had been feeling discouraged about my house hunt. 

I thought about it for awhile and processed my feelings on missing him, but grateful that I have the others and a new little soul to join our family soon. It helped and by the time I left for work, I was in better spirits and knowing in my heart the promises I needed to put down for myself to the fur kids who choose to share their lives and hearts with mine. 

So, here goes.....  I promise to always care for you all to the fullest I can possibly do and then some. I promise to listen to you, and love you with all my heart. I understand that you chose to be with me for the long haul. I will never leave you and will always stay with you. I have learned that you all are my insipration and teachers also. You already fill my life with joy and happiness, and I will endeavor to make sure yours is full of love and happiness. I realize that some days I may be frustrated at things beyond my control, but I will never take that frustration out on you nor give you cause to be frightened of me intentionally. I promise to never strike you and do my best to speak to you with my heart, eyes and a calmer voice. 

And when the time comes that you may need me to help you pass with dignity and no pain or fear, know that though it breaks my heart to let you go, I will do that ultimate act of compassion for you. 

You all are my heart mates and you all fill me with a zest for life and a lot of joy and love. I promise to do my very best to love you completely and keep you with me as long as you desire. 

You chose me for your own reasons, and I am very blessed and humbled by this. I pray daily that we all get to spend many more wonderful years together and have many adventures in fun. 

And yes Abby, you have a baby sister coming soon to play with you and help you fill that void with the loss of your buddy. And yes sweetheart, I have seen your desire to be close to and interact with the other dogs that come through the campground and you are so happy to play with the big Lab in the trailer next to us. So, yes, I know you miss your bud and want another friend. Be patient my love, shes coming..... And while we wait for her Abby, we will enjoy our nightly girly pillow talk together. And you too Punkin, you'll have a new tag playmate to play with when she gets here. Then maybe, just maybe dear Punkin you will let me sleep longer! 


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